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奖学金年度评审通知Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship(chancellor’s scholarship)Status
时间:2015-03-23 11:40:29   来源:留学生中心   作者:留学生中心   点击:




Mar.23 to Apr.30


20159月以后,仍享受奖学金的留学生必须参加奖学金年度评审CSC and chancellor’s scholarship(包括原计划20156月毕业,申请延长学习期限)。请登录国际处网站,下载评审表。填写打印后(包括2014-2015-1成绩),交给班主任。



Any student who will still receive Chinese Government Scholarship or chancellor’s scholarship beginning in Sep.2015 must participate in the Annual Review (including students planning to graduate in Jun.2015, already applied for an extension of scholarship).

Please Log in the website of international office, download the form. Give the completed form (including grade record of 2014-2015-1) to your class teacher of ISC before Apr.30.

Web: http://www.qywmbj.com/xiangguanxiazai/liuxuekeda




International Student Center


Mar.22, 2015


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